Celebrating Creative Dreams Come True

Last week I flew to Colorado where I’ll work remotely for the next two weeks while spending time with my dad, visiting friends and playing in the snow. (When the temps climb into the double digits!)

I’m taking a moment on this #tadahtuesday to celebrate the fact that in doing so, I’m living a dream I’ve had for years.

A dream to build a business that allows me to work remotely and prioritize what’s most important to me ~ family, friends, my health, creativity, travel, and connecting with and lifting up humans around the world!

One important aspect of my creative coaching programs is that we acknowledge and celebrate our wins together every step of the way!

We don’t wait to celebrate until we win an award, build a full roster of clients, learn our article is going to be published, score a solo art show, or reach 1,000 podcast downloads!

We intentionally look for what we can acknowledge and celebrate daily!

We celebrate writing a shitty first draft, sending an email we’ve been avoiding, posting a workshop on social media, signing up for a class, submitting a proposal for a speaking gig, taking our ukulele out of its case for the first time in a year!

Hell ~ some days we celebrate just getting out of bed! (Today may be one of those days for many of us!)

Rather than looking for what’s going wrong, what’s broken, what’s scary, what’s not working well, and other thoughts that act as a one way ticket to fight, flight or freeze ~ our practice normalizes looking for and celebrating what’s working, what’s going well, what feels good, & what’s bringing us joy!

When we do this consistently our brain doesn’t think it’s weird ~ in fact, it comes to expect it ~ which is a beautiful thing!

Because when you spend more time feeling energized by your dreams rather than scared to death ~ guess what happens?

You make them come true!

Sound good?

Let's hop on a Clarity Call to talk about your dreams and whether working with me as your coach is a good fit to bring them to life.

If it is…you can be damn sure we’re gonna celebrate! 🎉