Procrastination~ Wanted ~ Dead or Alive! (a blast from the past)

It keeps us from enjoying our creative endeavors by allowing our inner critic to whisper in our ear: "You're no good at this. You don't have time for this nonsense. Who do you think you are?"
Procrastination convinces us that everyone else's stuff is more important than our own.
It causes us to hop up and look for something to eat when we're not the least bit hungry.
It fills us with a strange desire to re-organize our perfectly organized sock drawer or pantry or creative closet.
Procrastination tempts us to check Facebook, Twitter and email about ten times more often than we need.
It thrives on busy-work that could easily wait until tomorrow or even never in many cases.
It encourages our stubborn refusal to delegate and assures us that we must do everything ourselves.
So how to we rid our lives of this insidious creative block?
Simply acknowledging our various procrastination habits is a great first small step. When see our blocks for what they are...when we're aware of the many ways they creep into our lives, that's the first step to hunting down procrastination and putting it behind bars where it belongs.
Here's an easy way to start. What if you make a quick list of all the various ways you might procrastinate today? By taking a moment to acknowledge the different ways you might keep yourself from making time for creative joy, you'll be more aware when your excuses pop up through out the day.
Here's to rounding up our procrastination habits and locking them up where they belong so we can free up more time for creative satisfaction in our life!