Special Delivery for the One & Only You

It's hard to believe it's already August. Before you know it the stores will be filled with Halloween decorations and summer will be but a faint memory. 

Have you enjoyed some of your favorite summertime experiences? Have you given yourself permission to dive into Creative Oasis Moments that energize and delight you? 

If not, there's still time! The "Create the Summer of Your Dreams Kit" will be available to help you through August 12th. 

How would you like to enjoy a few more quintessential summer moments? Read a good book while lounging in a hammock...make a pitcher of homemade lemonade to sip...dive into one of the hundreds (okay, maybe thousands) of summer recipes and creative projects pinned to your Pinterest boards?

The "Create the Summer of Your Dreams" Do-It-Yourself Creative Oasis Kit gives you a simple step-by-step  plan to envision and enjoy a summer filled with creative delights, restful relaxation and fun. And the best part is you can do it in 10 minutes or less a day. (Hallelujah and pass the lemonade!)

Click here to see what people are saying about their "Create the Summer of Your Dreams Kit" experiences. 

Until next time, all the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jill

Jill Allison Bryan