A Word Of Hope
Last month I asked for a word of hope.What I ended up receiving was dozens of uplifting messages from friends, family, acquaintances, people I’d only very recently met and even total strangers!After receiving some very shocking news that could potentially have a profound, detrimental effect on my life and I felt a true sense of despair and listening to my intuition reached out.Since I tend to be a pretty positive, glass half-full and upbeat person, when I posted this plea on social media (see below), it freaked a lot of people out ~ which was not my intention at all.
And yet, so inspiring and heartening was the outpouring of positivity, love, and solace that I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat if need be.Perhaps you’re in need of a word of hope right now.Maybe the holidays are a particularly difficult time for you.Maybe the news of the world has you feeling down and out.Maybe you’re dealing with hardcore life stuff that has you feeling scared or angry or hurt ~ but isn’t necessarily anything you want to broadcast all over social media, or even tell your close friends for that matter.I get it.That’s why I want to share with you all of the lovely messages of hope that I received when I called out for help myself.The words sent to me brought tears of joy, made me laugh out loud and filled me with a very real sense of being seen, understood and loved during a very difficult time. My hope is that they’ll provide you with those same comforting feelings.Even if you’re not particularly in need of this type of comfort and camaraderie at the moment ~ I hope that you’ll be uplifted by witnessing these selfless and loving offerings.I invite you to read them aloud to yourself. (You might want to grab a hankie first.)After you read them, I hope you’ll forward them on to someone you think could benefit from hearing them.Maybe you'll choose to share them with the world for that matter and be an active participant in a lovely Heemeesheemee when someone half way around the world happens to click on your tweet or Facebook post at just the right time to find this beautiful barrage of love, light and good will!Okay ~ here you go… All of the messages of hope I received I now share with you!“You are still YOU, and that’s the best thing you can know and hold close.”“Hope rhymes with dope and pope and elope and trope and soap and cope and nope. Today I give you a dollop of hope. Use sparingly and rub on sore spots.” (Steve Poltz)“Keep moving forward. You are doing great!”“Over the past several months I’ve had to repeatedly tell myself “Hang in there. It’s gonna be okay.”“Breathe deep breaths…you are an amazing soul…never forget that.”“ Sending you love and hugs.”“You made it through yesterday. You are making it through today and so you will most certainly make it through tomorrow and everything is going to be okay!!!” “Please don’t forget to believe in yourself! You are always stronger than you think.”“YOU RAN WITH BETO THIS WEEK. I see so much hope in that sentence ~ for you, for Texas, for America.”“Hugs from me and the faeries, dear Jill.”“My four year old said it best while she was crouched over her barf bucket: it’ll be better in the morning. And it was.”“I think Bertrand Russell is talking to you. ‘There are certain things that our age needs. It needs, above all, courageous hope and the impulse to creativeness.’ ~ Jill, you got this.” “The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorroooooooow, there’ll be suuuuuun! Stick out your chin, and grin and sayyyyyy….”“I predict a heemeesheemee around the corner. Maybe it’s already happened today? Take a walk through your instagram posts and revel in the life you have created!”“I miss seeing you around. Mel & I were talking about you last night. I’m back in Dallas. Would love to meet up sometime for coffee or whatever.”“Mother tells me all the time Gran used to day ‘Tomorrow’s another day, Scarlett!’ Also, massage therapy helped my anxiety attack this week. No words needed!” “You are there! On the right path and right before the breakthrough it happens to feel a bit stagnant. Just carry on! I do sense this is the case for you.”“This too shall pass. You know Steve Poltz! You’re lucky!”“I love you so much!”“Keep the faith…stay with love.”“All you need is Love, Love. And you are surrounded by it.”“It’s all Grace.”“Love.”“Love and light. Okay, 2 words, just in case more is better.”“Hope is there in search of hope." “You are a powerful, strong, loving woman! You will rise above. Allow the setback, the pain, the gut punch to sit a moment and yes, hand on you heart…breathe into it. And then remember that you are the hope. You are precious and you are loved and you will rise. ~ Oh crap! I didn’t get that you wanted just one word…I can’t do one word!”“When times are tough, sometimes we forget how awesome we are and it is always a good thing to reach out for affirmation.”“Autumn…proves the cycle of life. Even before the temp dropped to 70 degrees the trees started shedding their leaves and preparing for a time of REST. One of m (re) words. Winter will come, spring will come all in its time.”“Opportunity. (One word is crazy hard to do. But from each trauma, after we allow ourselves to feel and be with the pain, we have the opportunity to learn and grow.)“Remember you are strong. You are brave. You are resilient. You have Light and Love and Power within you and around you. Breathe. Be kind to yourself. Know that you are not alone and that the Universe and those who love you support you.”“I have found in many messaged today that “breathe” is the word of the day. I am breathing with you in the spirit. Love and light to you! Xoxo”“Strength comes from your desire to heal and grow.”“Sending so much love and pure Knowingness…Even if you don’t understand.” (she also pulled an oracle card for me and shared the image and the meaning)“Faith.”“Trust and believe my friend.” “Holding space for you beautiful one. This shall pass.” “Not one word, but I heard ‘keep going…stay the course…’ Hugs!" “Beto!” “Smooth.” “Peace and light.”“All you need is LOVE. That’s my word for you. It’s what I’m sending to you and sooooo clearly it’s what you are surrounded by. Just look at all of these wonderful comments! Hug is another great one…sending that too.” “Breathe, sit still, know you are loved. Nobody defines you unless you let them. Something was in the air yesterday and I too had to slow down to ground myself. You are amazing. You are beautiful and you have wonderful gifts to share.”“Nature…carve out some time to be away from the city if you can. Sorry you are struggling right now.”“If you were near I’d give you a hug instead.”“Children ~ we’re spending the night with our granddaughter so all will be well in our little corner.”“Big hug for you.” “May God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the …. Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!” Romans 15:13“Hang on to you! You have the strength!”“I can tell from your page that you are a woman who is very loved and that love will carry you through this. One word of HOPE: YOU!!!”“Humor. It never lets you down.”“One day you will look back and realize how brave and heroic you were in this time of your life. ~ S.C. Lourie” “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. ~ Helen Keller”“You always have your voice. Sing your truth.”“F it! Say it fast, it’s one word.” “There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you Laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy.”“Sending you lots of love.”As I read back over each of these lovely messages while typing them to share with you I realized just how much I needed to hear them again today.Once again I laughed and cried.Once again I felt lifted up and loved.Once again I felt seen and heard.Once again I felt hopeful and oh so very grateful.If you’ve taken precious time from your day to read this far…If you’re new to Creative Oasis or have been a member of our tribe for a decade or more now…If you yourself shared one of the beautiful messages of hope above with me...If you’re one of the serendipitous readers who stumbled across this post “by chance”…(that's a heemeesheemee!)Please know that I am so very grateful for you!Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and peaceful Thanksgiving filled with lots of love, light and soul-nurturing Creative Oasis Moments!xoxo ~ Jill