You Don't Have To Do This All Alone!
When I shared this quote online the other day many of you let me know you sometimes feel just like Frida did.We sensitive creative souls can often feel alone. There are times we don’t feel seen or understood by our families, friends, and co-workers.Have you ever tried to share your creative dream with someone only to have her look at you like you’ve just grown a second head?Have you ever had someone act like your creative endeavors are a waste of time and money?Have you ever longed for accountability to help you keep showing up and moving forward with your creative projects? Have you ever wished you had someone to share your excitement about your creative passion project with who would truly get it and wish you well?This is why I began The Creative Oasis Collective ~ to provide a safe, nurturing space where people like you and me could come together to experience creative camaraderie. It’s a community where you can hang out with other creative spirits and be seen, heard and lifted up.If you’ve ever felt like Frida ~ I invite you to join us and feel the acceptance, gentle accountability, and support of The Creative Oasis Collective.Now is the ideal time to join because starting November 27th I’ll be sharing my Create The Christmas Of Your Dreams program throughout the rest of the year as a special gift exclusively for the members of the Collective. Together we’ll practice delightfully doable ways to experience more holiday joy, happiness and self-care this season.I’m so happy to join Frida in reminding you that you are not alone!All the best from my Creative Oasis to yours,Jill